Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hot Cocoa!

Hi, Internet. I am too sleepy to be interesting. Instead, I'm going to share a photograph of me having my first vegan hot chocolate. Of course, no vegan hot chocolate is complete without marshmallows. I don't know how I survived last winter without having hot chocolate. I really don't.

I've been thinking about making the leek and bean cassoulet from Veganomicon lately. I have all of the ingredients just chilling out in my kitchen already, and it's been pretty cold, which leaves me wanting comfort food. But I've read a lot of reviews saying that it was too bland? And I don't want to be disappointed. I've been daydreaming about what spices I could throw in there. I will keep you kids posted.


1 comment:

Vegan Chubosaurus said...

Aw, we both had hot chocolate with marshmallows last night!