Thursday, October 28, 2010

VeganMofo 2010

You guys! VeganMofo 2010 is almost here!

This November, my goal is to post every single day, as long as I'm in town and able. The boyfriend and I are headed to the coast for Thanksgiving, so we'll see what the wireless situation looks like while we're down there. I'm thinking about writing a few posts out in advance every few days and posting them in the mornings, instead of posting an entry every night like last year. That way, I if I have a rough day and don't feel like baking a coconut-lemon bundt cake and taking pictures and then editing pictures and then uploading pictures and then coming up with something that makes me sound cheerful and witty at 10pm, I don't have to -- I can just publish a pre-written post about ... I don't know. Puppies or seitan.

Anyway. So excited! See you kids on Monday. :)

2 comments: said...

I can't wait to read your MoFoing!

Jenni Unicorn said...

<3! I can't wait to read yours, either!